Invited Presentations (International/国際会議)
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, B. Taguchi, K. Nishii, Maintenance mechanisms of the wintertime subtropical high over the South Indian Ocean: Importance of oceanic fronts, CLIVAR International Workshop for Mid-latitude Air-Sea Interaction (Online, 2021.6) oral
Presentations (International/国際会議)
- Miyamoto, A., and S.-P. Xie, Unforced Earth’s energy imbalance tied to subtropical low-cloud variations, CFMIP Meeting (Boston, 2024.6) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, S.-P. Xie, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, Radiative impacts of Californian low clouds on North Pacific climate, AGU Annual Meeting 2023 (San Francisco, 2023.12) poster
- Miyamoto, A., S.-P. Xie, H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, Radiative impacts of Californian low clouds on North Pacific climate, CFMIP annual meeting (Paris, 2023.7) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, B, Taguchi, K. Nishii, Importance of the Agulhas SST front in shaping clouds and circulations over the south Indian Ocean, US CLIVAR Mesoscale and Frontal-Scale Air-Sea Interactions Workshop (Boulder, 2023.3) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, Y. Kosaka, Decadal cooling trend of the East China Sea in the early 21st century, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022 (Chiba, 2022.5) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, Seasonal differences in radiative impacts of low-level clouds on the subtropical high over the South Indian Ocean, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 (Online, 2022.2) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, S.-P. Xie, Radiative impacts of low clouds on the subtropical climate simulated in a coupled general circulation model, The CFMIP 2021 Virtual Conference (Online, 2021.9) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, S.-P. Xie, Radiative impacts of low clouds on the subtropical North Pacific climate, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021 (Online, 2021.6) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, B. Taguchi, K. Nishii, On the maintenance mechanisms for the wintertime subtropical high over the South Indian Ocean, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2020 (Online, 2020.7)
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, Radiative impacts of low-level clouds on the subtropical high in the South Indian Ocean simulated in a coupled general circulation model, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2020 (Online, 2020.7)
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Y. Kosaka, Radiative impacts of low-level clouds on the subtropical high in the South Indian Ocean simulated in a coupled general circulation model, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020 (San Diego, 2020.2) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Influence of the subtropical and stormtrack on low-cloud fraction and its seasonality over the South Indian Ocean, NORPAN Closing Workshop (Kanagawa, 2019.2) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Seasonality in the formation mechanisms for the Mascarene High, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018 (Chiba, 2018.5) oral
Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Seasonality in the formation mechanisms for the Mascarene High, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018 (Portland, 2018.2) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Seasonality in the formation mechanisms for the Mascarene high, CLIVAR International Symposium on Boundary Currents (Qingdao, 2017.6) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, On the importance of sea surface temperature front for the formation of low-level clouds over the South Indian Ocean, CLIVAR Open Science Conference (Qingdao, 2016.9) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Impacts of temperature advection fluctuations on the properties of low-level clouds over the South Indian Ocean, CFMIP/WCRP/ICTP Conference on Cloud Processes, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity (Trieste, 2016.7) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, On the importance of sea surface temperature front for the formation of low-level clouds over the South Indian Ocean, Japan-Norway Young Scientist Forum (Tokyo, 2016.5) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, On the importance of sea surface temperature front for the formation of low-level clouds over the South Indian Ocean, NORPAN kick-off meeting (Tokyo, 2016.5) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Influence of the subtropical high and stormtrack over the South Indian Ocean on the properties of low-level clouds, NORPAN kick-off meeting (Tokyo, 2016.5) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, On the importance of sea surface temperature front for the formation of low-level clouds over the South Indian Ocean, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016 (New Orleans, 2016.2) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Seasonality of the subtropical high and stormtrack over the South Indian Ocean and its influence on low-level clouds, IUGG general assembly 2015 (Prague, 2015.6) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Seasonality of the subtropical high over the South Indian Ocean and its influence on low-level clouds, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015 (Chiba, 2015.5) oral
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Seasonal variations of the Mascarene High and related changes in jetstreams and a stormtrack, AOGS 11th Annual Meeting 2014 (Sapporo, 2014.8) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Seasonal variations of the Mascarene High and related changes in jetstreams and a stormtrack, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014 (Yokohama, 2014.4) poster
- Miyamoto, A., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, Seasonal and interannual variations of the Mascarene High, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 (Honolulu, 2014.2) poster
Presentations (Domestic/国内会議)
- 宮本歩,中村尚,岡島悟,小坂優,近年の極東域における春のストームトラック活動の十年規模変動,日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会,札幌(2022.10)ポスター
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 小坂優, S.-P. Xie, カリフォルニア沖下層雲が北太平洋の気候に与える影響, 日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会 (オンライン,2021.12) ポスター
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 小坂優,南インド洋亜熱帯高気圧に対する下層雲の放射的影響の季節性, 日本気象学会2021年度春季大会 (オンライン,2021.5) ポスター
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 小坂優,田口文明,西井和晃,南インド洋冬季亜熱帯高気圧の維持メカニズム, 日本海洋学会2020年度秋季大会 (オンライン, 2020.11) 口頭
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 小坂優,田口文明,西井和晃,南インド洋冬季亜熱帯高気圧の維持力学, 日本気象学会2020年度春季大会 (2020.5)
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 南インド洋の亜熱帯高気圧とストームトラック,水温前線の季節変動が下層雲に与える影響,日本海洋学会2018年度秋季大会(東京, 2018.9) ポスター
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 南インド洋の下層雲形成に対する海洋前線帯の重要性, 日本海洋学会2016年度春季大会 (東京, 2016.3) 口頭
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 南インド洋の亜熱帯高気圧と移動性擾乱が下層雲に与える影響 ~Part 2: 夏季∼, 日本気象学会2015年度秋季大会 (京都, 2015.10) ポスター
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 南インド洋の下層雲の季節性とその要因, 大槌シンポジウム (大槌, 2015.9) 口頭
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 南インド洋の亜熱帯高気圧と移動性擾乱が下層雲に与える影響 ∼Part 1: 冬季∼, 日本気象学会2015年度春季大会 (つくば, 2015.5) 口頭
- 宮本歩, 中村尚, 宮坂貴文, 南インド洋亜熱帯高気圧の季節変動, 日本気象学会2014年度秋季大会 (福岡, 2014.10) 口頭
- CASPO Seminar: Radiative impacts of Californian marine low clouds on the Pacific climate system (La Jolla, 2023.11)